How to Avoid Common Pitfalls as a New Graduate Nurse

How to Avoid Common Pitfalls as a New Graduate Nurse

Congratulations on passing your national certification exam and landing your first job! Relish in the feeling of accomplishment because you have a vast future in view. As new graduate nurses, you can accelerate your ambitions and convert them into concrete ventures if you elude common missteps such as poor financial choices and the lack of the artful but essential talent cheerfully labeled time management. Ultimately, the goal is that all new graduate nurses avoid these unassuming snares and breakout completely unscathed. And, it is essential that experienced nurses provide the tools so that all new graduates will be prepared for their upcoming journey. (more…)

Nursing Tip of the Day!

Nursing Tip of the Day!

Hi, everyone! Some readers may be familiar with the phrase, “Be kind, and please rewind”. But, for those that are not acquainted with that saying, during the ancient times of VHS usage, rental stores requested that customers rewound the VHS cassette prior to it being returned. Seemingly, I know that you are wondering how that saying relates to the topic of nursing. So, I will get straight to the point. At the winding down of your shift, please replace the maintenance IV fluid if it is low. Here is my spin on the popular catchphrase, “ Be kind, and please replace the maintenance fluid if it is almost empty. The oncoming nurse will greatly appreciate the gift.”


As a nurse working in an inpatient setting, you may encounter the opposite. For example, during a hand-off report, I may receive the page, “Ashley, room #732’s IV pump is beeping, and it is saying that the infusion is complete.” Of course, I will hurry down to the room to stop the beeping and determine which  IV fluid has infused. Upon arrival, I will discover that it is the maintenance fluid, and the bag is completely barren. Like so dry, it should have been changed 30 minutes earlier. Although, I am now accountable for this patient’s care, the off-going nurse should have anticipated and prepared for this event. Not only is it courteous, but also it illustrates to the patient and your colleagues that you are attentive and a go-getter.


As a new nurse, my preceptor bestowed miniature trinkets of wisdom such as, “Ashley, strive to be early when providing all aspects of nursing care. So, if something unforeseen happens, the likelihood of you being late is low.” Also, she expressed that nursing care is ongoing. But, nurses must strive towards completing all of their duties and minimize the number of uncompleted tasks for the oncoming nurse. First, by doing this, you are limiting potential breakdowns in patient care. Second, you will make the oncoming nurse happy because you are not adding to their plate. All in all, every shift, strive to be a go-getter. Most importantly, before the end of your shift, heed these words, “Be kind, and please replace the maintenance fluid if it is almost empty. The oncoming nurse will greatly appreciate the gift.”


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Pearls of Wisdom for the New Graduate Nurse

Pearls of Wisdom for the New Graduate Nurse

As a new graduate nurse, I had tremendous mentors that directed my path to success. Oftentimes, they imparted priceless trinkets of nursing knowledge that shaped me into becoming a better nurse, and I am delighted to pass along their insight. Without question, Pearl Uhomba, BSN, RN and Yolanda Ferguson, BSN, RN were beacons of light throughout my first year.  These extraordinary leaders in the nursing profession taught this fledgling to arrive to work at least 30 minutes prior to clocking in. I understand that this sounds very intense, but there’s a method behind the madness:

  •  You can get a feel of the atmosphere.
    • By arriving early, you can visualize whether the shift is chaotic or smooth. As a result, you can appropriately adjust and prepare for your shift. Sometimes, you have to acclimate your mind and body to the madness. As a preparation routine, I would sit in the break room and listen to my favorite playlist. As one that has experienced the madness of the trenches and lived to tell the tale, I encourage you to develop a stress-busting plan that gets you through the difficult shifts.
  •   Your shift assignment is posted.
    •  You have scored a huge advantage. Now, you can delve into your patients’ charts with a fine-tooth comb. Also, you can prepare a well-developed strategy and layout of your patients’ goals and plan of care. Most importantly, during the shift change, you have successfully developed per se a colorless image of each patient that you will care for. Then, the off-going nurse will bring your image into Technicolor!
  • You have 1st round dibs on the BEST C.O.W., which is lovingly known as the Computer On Wheels.
    • For those that have endured the sometimes arduous task of selecting this essential and sometimes temperamental teammate, you really want a C.O.W that is agile and can turn on a dime without tipping over. Now, you won’t have the worst teammate that is infamous for shutting down during the most important medication administration.

Thanks for checking out this post! Check us out every day to gain the newest scoop in the nursing world. Please share your thoughts in the comments section below. I can’t wait to hear from you!
