If the thought of your nursing school final exam schedule has you harried and anxious, it’s time to take a step back and figure out some tricks to help you get through this very stressful time.

1.Get Help

If you don’t understand some of the material you know will be on the final exam, schedule an appointment with your professor or a tutor before your exam presses down on you. Studying for finals is about reviewing the information (and a lot of it!). This isn’t the time to try to learn information on your own that you are assumed to know. Don’t wait until the last minute.

2. Assess What You Need to Do

Don’t panic over things you can’t control. Start your exam preparation by getting organized. Figure out what your exam schedule is, what needs to be done so you can get ready, and what time you have available for studying. Make task lists for each class so you don’t forget anything. If you know what it all looks like, you’ll be more in control.

3. Gather Your Equipment

Equipment isn’t necessarily pens and paper. You need all that (index cards to make flash cards, gum for stress, and a little bit of chocolate!), but take a look at the bigger picture, too. Decide what you need to study best. Can your professor recommend any additional materials to help you study for the specific subject? Do you need any books ordered from the library to help you out? What about online resources you can access to boost your studying?

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4. Take Care of Yourself

Pulling an all nighter isn’t going to make things better. It’s going to make you a cranky student who is more prone to falling asleep and forgetting important points. Eat well to keep your energy up, exercise to blow off steam, take the time to relax so you can recharge, and get enough rest. If you stay up too late one night, try to fit in a short nap the next day.

5. Study With Others

Try to meet up with a study group or at least one other student for each class. Just talking about the subject, writing down notes, and revisiting tough points or applications can help you remember the information better. Someone else might have some excellent study tips or resources you might find helpful as well.

6. Get to Work

Don’t jump from subject to subject. Block out several hours and devote that time to one specific class. But don’t study for five hours without a break. That will set you up for overload. Plan a certain amount of study time, fit in a 10-minute break, and then get back to studying. Remove all the things that might normally distract you. Put your phone away, and turn off the TV and radio if they interrupt you. Try not to think of all you have to do. Just start working and checking tasks off your list.

With a little organization and a lot of dedication, studying for finals will be manageable. Good luck!

Julia Quinn-Szcesuil
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Get Ready for Nursing School
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