So in a matter of hours a brand new year awaits. The possibilities seem endless.  

Consider 2014 a blank book with 365 pages. What will you write? How will you make this year different? 

You probably have created a list of all the changes you plan to seek and conquer in the new year. But will you? What will you do differently to get different results?

Goals are dreams with deadlines and action steps.Turn your resolutions for 2014 into reality with these measures:

Highlight the action steps needed to make 2014 a year of growth.

Ask yourself if your goals are realistic. Be honest

Pick deadlines to check your progress. Build in some flexibility for when life happens.

Prepare a supportive network with accountability partners to help you stay on track.

You only live once. Remember to make time for friends and fun activities.


Need inspiration? Help someone less fortunate. It will boost your outlook.

Exercise to help improve all areas of your life. Make it a habit.

When feeling overwhelmed by obstacles, dig deep. Stay focused.


Your attitude makes all the difference. Stay positive.

Engage family, friends and colleagues in conversation about the changes you seek.

Assess your progress. Readjust when needed. Don’t give up.

Reward yourself when you accomplish goals. Then tackle some more!

Use these suggestions or come up with your own to help you buck the trend of setting annual goals this time of year only to lose momentum long before spring arrives. May 2014 bring your love, health, meaningful work and joy!

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Movember: New Face of Men's Health

Robin Farmer is a freelance writer with a focus on health, education and business. Visit her at


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