Today marks the annual celebration of Certified Nurses Day to let nurses know just how important additional training is for career growth and for patient care.

Certified Nurses Day gives a shout out to nurses who take on the additional training and education to gain board-certified credentials in their area of specialty or in an area in which they want to gain more expertise. With many dozens of certifications available, nurses can find something that will help them do their jobs better.
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Why is certification so important? In addition to gaining the extra knowledge, taking the initiative to gain certification shows a nurse who is willing to do all he or she can to offer the best care possible. As methods, equipment, and evidence-based outcomes change frequently, certification is one way to keep up-to-date on the very latest information in your area of specialty.

What about nurses whose jobs don’t require are specialization in one particular area? If your job requires more of a general skill set, then more than one certification can help you as a nurse. Do you work in an ICU that sees lots of heart patients? Or in an ER where you see asthma attacks? Or are you especially interested in wound care? Certifications in heart failure, asthma, emergency care, wound care, women’s health, palliative care and hospice, and nurse leadership are just a few of the available certifications nurses can hold.

If you are interested in gaining knowledge and learning as much as you can, you can earn more than one certification, and, in fact, doing so makes your expertise deepen.

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If you are debating whether you should get certified or not, know that it adds a level of status to your professional standing and lead to greater opportunities. Employers appreciate the effort and like to have nurses who gain credentials.

Certification is hard work and you do have to pass an exam to receive your credential, so you should choose those that will expand your skills in a strategic manner. When you do gain a credential, take pride in knowing you are doing all you can to advocate for, protect, and care for those in your care.


Julia Quinn-Szcesuil
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