The concept of effectual leadership is an important aspect in the field of nursing and health care. Leaders have a significant role in creating a culture and mindset that not only inspire but also unite individuals within a group or society. Since the perception of leadership is different to certain individuals however, various leaders around the world function and interpret leadership in unique and distinct ways. As a result of this realization, the following principles and philosophies are necessary to becoming an effective and successful leader in the health care arena.

1. Master and Perfect your Unique Craft.

Since all leaders have distinct leadership styles and abilities, every leader must learn to recognize and master their unique leadership craft. Understanding this concept is crucial because all leaders are responsible for the effectiveness of organizations and provide a guiding purpose to those who need them. In order for this to occur, an individual must be willing to listen to his or her inner voice and remain true to who they are. Only after the individual fully accepts themselves and their idiosyncrasies can they move on to the second step in the leadership hierarchy.

2. Appreciate the Fundamentals of Leadership.

Fundamental leadership is composed of various ingredients that an individual must grasp before he or she can successfully lead. The first ingredient is defined as the guiding vision, which is the individual’s overall goal for himself or herself. All leaders must have a clear idea of what he or she wants to do—professionally and personally—and the strength to persist in the face of setbacks or failures. This ingredient is vital because it exemplifies the importance of possessing a strong sense of conviction in both aspects of the individual’s life as well as the importance of knowing what you desire and how you plan to achieve it. The second and third ingredient in fundamental leadership is passion and integrity. Passion is when you put more energy into something than is required to do it. It is more than just enthusiasm or excitement, but ambition that is materialized into action to put as much heart, mind, body, and soul into something as humanly possible. In addition to this, integrity is also a much-needed component in becoming an effectual leader because it is based on honesty and a steadfast devotion to principle and ethics. Without these three ingredients, leaders will have a difficult time not only motivating others but also gaining the trust and support necessary to accomplish a shared goal or objective.

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3. Embrace your Inner Self.

The third and most important step in becoming an effectual leader is learning how to embrace your inner self. The premise of authenticity is a central theme in effectual leadership because the most charismatic and effective leaders are those who are genuine representations of their innermost nature. One of the best ways individuals can gain this is by experiential learning, which provides the individual with a rich and solid foundation for the future. Through experiential learning, individuals are exposed to the repercussions of their choices and as such, decide for themselves whether or not to make the same choices in the future. This exposure ultimately shapes and forms the leader to become emotionally mature and develop the mental acumen required to be authentic and transparent leaders across the health care spectrum.

Jonathan V. Llamas, DNP, RN-BC, PMHNP-BC, PHN
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