Companies, individuals, college deans, celebrities, even fictional characters— it seems like everyone has a Twitter account. And a Facebook account. Probably LinkedIn and a slew of others too. Do you need to be plugged in to these social media outlets? Of course not. But they can help you differentiate yourself in your organization and connect with your peers, particularly in niche specialties.

The Nurse’s Social Media Advantage, by Robert Fraser, B.S.N., R.N., is an introductory guide to the world of Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and blogging. Published by Sigma Theta Tau International, the Honor Society of Nursing, it is the only book about social media written especially for nurses. It covers topics such as developing an online reputation, building a network, and dealing with privacy issues.

So if you’ve ever wondered how social media could benefit your career, or if you’re just excited to jump into the fray, this could be the perfect introduction. Visit for more information.

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