As a nurse, you spend a third of your life on the job.  Shouldn’t you feel fulfilled? If you constantly struggle to find meaning in your career or value as an employee, listen to that voice in your head. You know, the one you tune out when it says, “It’s really time to find another job or switch careers.” 

If the mere thought of where to start saps your motivation, consider working with a career or nurse coach. One way to find a nurse coach is to get a referral from your state chapter of the American Nurses Association. 

Professional coaches can help align your goals and actions so you can make changes, get the job you covet and maintain a better quality of life.  

Here is what a career coach can help you do:

Develop new habits.  Replace the negative ones with positive routines. Coaching can help you break the bad habits that create or add to your unhappiness.

Meet new goals. Sometimes you need an accountability partner, someone to check in with on a regular basis to discuss your progress.

Learn new strategies. A coach can provide tools for action steps you may not have considered.

Open up. It’s not easy being honest about your fears or saying what you really want. A coach needs to know this information. 

Strengthen relationships. Coaching can help you learn how to build a better relationship with your boss and co-workers.  Think about this: coaching is considered so essential for senior managers in the Fortune 500 that their companies pay for it.

See also
New Case Management Opportunities for Minority Nurses

Find balance. Working long hours and feel out of whack? The unhappiness you feel at work most likely comes home with you. Learn how to create boundaries so you can invest time in your health, family, friends and interests.

Learn the truth. As an advocate for change, a coach may not always tell you what you want to hear.  But a coach will say what is necessary to help you find greater satisfaction. 

Working with a coach can move you to where you want to be. Are you ready to explore more opportunities? The voice in your head knows.


Robin Farmer
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