2020 brought to light the INTRANSIGENT nurse. This year was ushered by the unforeseen- the unexpected, unpredicted, unanticipated eruption of COVID-19, which brought a seismic wave of panic, fear the world over, and brought every nation’s economy to a grinding halt. While it looks like the virus can run a government aground, due to incompetence and ineptness, rising to the occasion to save a nation are the unsung heroes in scrubs. YES – the nurses, along with other health care providers, are at the forefront of this war. Geared up to a bare minimum of PPEs, giving them a modicum of confidence in keeping themselves safe, they bravely trudge over the fear and the virus with sheer tenacity, determination, and dedication to the call of duty. Their assiduity to the crisis has left a profound and moving picture of the BEST of humanity – a picture that will be etched in our memory of memories forever.
COVID-19 is a new strain of coronavirus which left health organizations around the globe scrambling for a cure. It is a war with the unknown and yet, unknown it may be, the nurses are in the battle armed with strength of character, sharp awareness of their ethical responsibility and a dogged resistance to give up in the face of great uncertainty of one’s own safety.
Nurses are …
Noble. Nurses are not blue-blooded by birth but has patrician ideals and aspirations – that is, to serve. Nurses are hell-bent, driven, purposeful and intentional – to do the right thing.
Undeterred. Nurses remain steadfast in the face of setbacks. They remain to be the voice of reason amidst the noise of the government who make emphatic declarations that are seemingly plausible but wrong – statements simply aired to give their actions a specious appearance of novelty and a tinge of humanity because there is none.
Regal. Geared up not in a ritzy way yet, they conduct their duty in an exalted, august manner.
Spartan. Nurses are people of great courage. They give up their security to save humanity.
Energetic campaigner for the vulnerable and the defenseless. They go on the offensive to defend the helpless. Creative, Ingenious. Resourceful.
As unforeseen as this crisis may have been, COVID-19 has not predicted 2020-2021 to be the year of the nurse either. The COVID-19 virus may seem relentless but it is no match to the unshakable spirit and intelligent mind of the INTRANSIGENT nurse. Nurses have the Midas touch… nurses act to complete humanity. To all my fellow NURSES on the frontline, I wave the flag of victory! You deserve the highest of honors! To you, my HATS OFF!
- The Intransigent Nurse in the Year of the Pandemic - April 9, 2021
- Though Assaulted, Truth Prevailed - April 1, 2021