Freshen Your Carpets: DIY Aromatherapy

Freshen Your Carpets: DIY Aromatherapy

Does the carpet in your living area get its fair share of wear and tear? That just shows you’re blessed with a happy, active household! Instead of cutting down on the patter of little feet (two or four-legged) and big shoes, try this DIY “green” carpet deodorizer for extra freshness.

Most nurses are incredibly pressed for time, so why bother with homemade cleaners when commercial ones are plentiful? Mainly, you’d make your own product to ensure that the ingredients are healthful, not harmful.

How harmful could a cleaning product really be? According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), “many cleaning products can present health and environmental concerns, including eye, skin, or respiratory irritation, or more serious issues.” Yikes!

(The EPA recommends looking at product labels before purchasing. Say No to anything labeled Danger/Poison; Corrosive; Severely Irritating; Highly Flammable; Highly Combustible; or Strong Sensitizer. )

Or you can skip the label scrutiny and just make your own simple, non-toxic, and fresh-scented household cleansers. The EPA says white vinegar, baking soda, and mild liquid soap can be just as effective for most cleaning purposes.

This carpet freshener relies on essential oils, not ordinary fragrances, so it counts as aromatherapy, which advocates say has healing properties. As anyone who’s ever been to a health spa knows, these oils can definitely help you de-stress and de-toxify.

DIY Carpet Deodorizer

1 cup baking soda
18 drops essential oil (lavender is an all-around purifier)

You’ll also need:
Quart jar with lid punched with small holes

Mix baking soda and essential oil in a bowl until baking soda is moistened. Fill quart jar with mixture. Sprinkle deodorizer on carpet; let sit for 10 minutes. Vacuum as usual.

Caution: Keep essential oils away from children, pets, and open fire (they’re flammable).

Give this recipe a spin and let us know how it worked for you. Or if you have your own favorite way to keep carpets fresh and clean, please share that with us.

 Jebra Turner is a health writer in Portland, Oregon, but you can visit her online at
