Using EdTech Learning Tools to Sharpen Nurses’ Clinical Reasoning and Critical Thinking Skills

Using EdTech Learning Tools to Sharpen Nurses’ Clinical Reasoning and Critical Thinking Skills

To be a nurse, one must possess many different skills, with clinical judgment –the ability to think critically and make quick decisions that impact patient outcomes – being one of the most important. Another increasingly important skill is technology literacy, or the ability to use, understand and manage technology. Elsevier’s recent Clinician of the Future report found that 53% of U.S. nurses believe that technology literacy will become their most valuable capability over the next ten years, ranking higher than clinical knowledge.

The report also found that 54% of U.S. nurses predict they will draw on tools utilizing artificial intelligence to inform most of their clinical decisions. However, 69% of U.S.-based nurses report being overwhelmed with the current volume of data available and 84% of nurses in the U.S. predict the widespread use of digital health technologies will represent an even more challenging burden in the future. Despite these concerns, 59% of nurses in the U.S. still agree that the widespread use of digital health technology will enable a positive transformation of healthcare.

While use of technology in the healthcare setting is not without challenges, I believe it has a net positive benefit, particularly providing nurses with tools and information to enable rapid critical thinking and sound clinical judgment in patient care. I propose three ways higher-education institutions and health systems can maximize technology throughout a nurse’s career.

Utilize Education Technology (EdTech) Solutions

A nurse’s career journey begins in the classroom, and it’s during this time they develop the foundation for clinical judgment and critical thinking they will use throughout their careers. New and emerging forms of educational technology solutions, such as simulation-based and virtual-reality (VR) scenarios are providing students with an immersive way to learn skills in a safe and standardized environment. In these realistic patient scenarios that integrate the latest evidence-based research and education content, nurses can build confidence through practice on digital patients in a virtual environment that encourages exploration, adaptation and the development of critical reasoning skills.

Shadow Health, a suite of simulation learning products, features a diverse patient set representing various backgrounds with different health concerns. This conversation-based solution allows students to respond to many patient scenarios, while developing clinical judgment skills and practicing therapeutic communication. These innovative forms of education technology are already having a profound impact on how students absorb information. A recent study on the efficiency of patient care skills for nursing students in programs that use Shadow Health found that 82% of learners showed an increase in overall efficiency and 68% were better equipped to identify the number of correct care plan components.

Make the Transition to Practice Easier

As nurses make the transition from nursing school to practice, they are entering an increasingly demanding and complex environment. In addition to patient care responsibilities and keeping up with evolving care guidelines, nurses must also update electronic health records (EHRs) and handle time-consuming administrative work. These stressors can result in high turnover rates, with some hospitals seeing novice nurse turnover as high as 35%.

Learning how to balance these responsibilities can be overwhelming and may be contributing to more patient-related errors for new nurses. According to research from the National Library of Medicine and The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 40% of new graduate nurses reported making medication errors, and 50% reported missing signs of life-threatening conditions. The industry can better support nurses and ensure they are always practice-ready by providing technology solutions.

Providing novice nurses in a hospital setting with simple-to-use tech-based reference and communication tools enables safe, practice-based development of their patient care competency. Nurses can rely on these resources when they have questions or are unsure of procedures, supporting the ongoing development of their critical thinking skills and reducing patient care errors.

Provide Continued Professional Development on Digital Health Technology

While a nurse’s journey begins in the classroom, ongoing education remains critical throughout their career. The Clinician of the Future report found that 79% of U.S. nurses believe that training and ongoing education needs to be overhauled so they can keep pace with technological advancements. While resident nurses may have been exposed to emerging forms of technology during nursing school and are more comfortable with digital solutions, nurses who have been in-practice for decades may not be as comfortable using unfamiliar technologies.

Healthcare leaders must identify where nurses need the most support and provide continued professional development to ensure nurses at all levels are comfortable using digital health technologies. Hospitals, health systems and nursing organizations can provide solutions for nurses throughout their careers to enable technological proficiency and support critical thinking during patient care. These resources ensure nurses have access to the latest guidelines and evidence-based treatment pathways, empowering them to make more informed, confident decisions and driving better patient results.

At the same time, it is crucial for leaders to be thoughtful about the technologies they are considering deploying and to take the time to understand the benefits of any solution under consideration. A study published in the Western Journal of Nursing Research found that the use of telehealth to manage certain diseases, such as Type 2 diabetes and hypertension actually worsened nurses’ workloads and led to twice as many activities completed by nurses. To gauge the impact new technologies will have on nurses, administrators may want to consider issuing employee surveys or informally gathering feedback, which is also a great way to show nurses that their voices matter in choices being made by the organization.

Closing Thoughts

 The last few years have shown us that nurses are invaluable to the healthcare industry, and it’s imperative that we provide them with tools for success throughout their entire career. Technology is going to continue to play a major role in healthcare. Healthcare leaders and educational institutions can use technology to their advantage, but they must provide current and future nurses with development opportunities to enhance their technology skills.

Using EdTech Learning Tools to Sharpen Nurses’ Clinical Reasoning and Critical Thinking Skills

The Sim Brain Phenomenon

Simulation is an excellent tool that can be used to display one’s understanding of learned concepts. Simulation can be used to train participants for a variety of situations including emergency events, end of life care, interprofessional collaboration, and more. Instructors look forward to seeing their learners participate in a simulation scenario and display transference of knowledge. However, some instructors have anxiety about the behavior and knowledge that their learners will show in a simulated event but hope for the best.

Many participants often look to simulation time as a stressful period of time for them when they are put on display in a fishbowl and unable to perform up to their own standards. Why does this occur? Did they not understand what was taught? This occurs due to what this author calls the “Sim Brain Phenomenon.” Sim Brain occurs as a result of stage fright (they are being watched and filmed), a fear of judgement (they seem to think that simulation is for a grade, when it is not or that their actions are being looked at for nefarious means), and/or the inability to consult a reliable resource when they are unsure of their interventions.

There are some tools that can be used to alleviate the Sim Brain Phenomenon and ensure a meaningful learning experience for all. One of these tools would be the STAR corner: when a participant is using the STAR corner they will state that they need a STAR moment or they need to use the STAR corner. When they request a STAR moment the sim is paused for up to 60 seconds so they can collect themselves in the STAR corner. STAR means Stop, Think, Actively Reflect, and Respond to the situation at hand. While in the STAR corner, the participant may consider the root cause of the situation, if they need to call for help, or even if they need to call the doctor; once a decision has been reached or the 60 seconds is up they will resume the simulation session. The STAR corners that have been used by this author have had a star drawn or created for them; all learners and facilitators know of it and its purpose and has been utilized with much success.

Another method that can be used to combat the Sim Brain Phenomenon would be to have the clinical instructors serve as charge nurses. The clinical instructors would serve as a simulated charge nurse so they would not give out the answers but rather prompt the participants to help them come to a good decision. One may also use a participant as a charge nurse, but they would have to be instructed not to complete the scenario for the other learner but help them in demonstrating the best practice for this situation. Learners can also serve as resource nurses, but they will have to be assigned a task when they are called in and once that task is finished they leave, if they are seen to be loitering in the room or interfering in the simulation they will be called to “assist another patient in a different room.”

These methods have been found to assist participants who become overwhelmed or lack the confidence to actively participant in simulation scenarios to the best of their abilities. It is important to educate the participants about proper use of these tools so that it does not disrupt the learning experience or disrupt the achievement of the learning objectives. The instructions about the use of the tools should be included in simulation orientation.

Increasing Realism in Clinical Simulation

Increasing Realism in Clinical Simulation

Nursing education is done a little differently at Linfield College. We pride ourselves on creating innovative methods in which aspiring nurses can learn and grow into strong and competent professionals. One of the many ways in which that is done is through our simulation program. Our simulation program is run out of our experiential learning center (or ELC); it includes low, mid, and high-fidelity simulations. With these simulations, our students go in one by one to care for the patients individually for ten to fifteen minutes at a time with each student picking up where the other one left off. They plan the care together using what’s called a mega brain and prioritize the patient’s needs within the plan prior to the start of care for the patient. We have not witnessed this method being used at many facilities.

The students have the option of continuing care as the previous student or changing the plan; they are all the same nurse so if they are in the middle of a task then they are able to continue with that task without starting the steps over again, which saves time and enables them to carry out the task. In the past, we had found that having each student start over took away from the simulation experience and that the students were more focused on the task instead of the patient. This brought about the solution of one mind nursing. The students have found this to be extremely helpful and have verbalized how this increases the realism of the clinical simulation by having them think like a nurse, especially with the situation of end of shift or hand-off. In this situation the students have to consider what is the best option if they receive hand-off in the middle of a nursing task. This is one of the aspects that increases realism.

Another method of increasing realism comes from the use of alumni. We use alumni as family members during the simulation (we have a manikin or a standardized patient as an actor). During the simulation, the alumni act as though they are the family members dealing with that situation. After the simulation is complete, they help with debriefing after we walk through the case and ask high-level critical thinking questions to stimulate reflection, retention, and transference. They tie in clinical examples of how it relates to their clinical practice and emphasize why the clinical reasoning and actions based on clinical judgement are so important. The students enjoy having the alumni because they have shared their experience and have gone through what they have experienced and have become successful after it. The alumni serve as additional mentors and role models in this way, offering advice and further insight into the role of nurses. With this addition to our clinical simulation program, we have created a more realistic and enjoyable experience for our students.
