It seems like you can’t turn on a television without hearing something about the health reform bill that passed this spring, and you certainly can’t talk about the future of minority health without discussing the implications of this historic legislation: The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

The Congressional Black Caucus, comprised of black members of Congress, was quick to praise the bill’s passage on March 23. According to the CBC, the health care reform will improve the quality and availability of care for African Americans and other minorities through several provisions the CBC lobbied for, including increased funding for vital community health centers and improved data collection to highlight health disparities. The bill also provides funding and support for programs that improve the diversity of health care workers.

At the end of the day, the reform aims to provide health coverage to the country’s 30 million uninsured, nearly half of which are estimated to be black or Hispanic. For a breakdown of the immediate benefits of the bill, visit the Democratic Policy Committee’s website at

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