Unlocking the Power of Your Personal Brand: Why Nurses Need to Take Control of Their Professional Image

Unlocking the Power of Your Personal Brand: Why Nurses Need to Take Control of Their Professional Image

Whether you know it or not, you have a brand. Like it or not, YOU ARE THE BRAND! One way to check out your personal brand is to google yourself and see what pops up. You may be surprised. If you do not create your brand, it may develop on its own.unlocking-the-power-of-your-personal-brand

Research demonstrates that 94% of recruiters will search for a candidate online. Career Builder found that 70% of employers said they use social media to screen their candidates and are less likely to interview a candidate they cannot find online. There are many definitions of a brand. However, the simplest explanation is how people perceive you. To sum it all up in one word, brand is your “reputation.”

What do you want to be known for? And why should you care?

Nurses should prioritize personal branding as it allows them to distinguish themselves in a competitive job market, enhancing their visibility and desirability to employers. A strong personal brand communicates professionalism, expertise, and dedication to patient care. The reality is a brand can assist nurses in attracting rewarding career opportunities and advancement prospects.

Nurses can cultivate trust among patients, colleagues, and healthcare organizations by strategically shaping a personal brand. Personal branding can lead to greater career fulfillment and success in the dynamic nursing field. Are you ready to learn how you can shape your brand?

Here are 5 Steps to Create a Standout Personal Brand for Nurses

1. Define Your Unique Value Proposition

  • What sets you apart from other nurses?
  • Reflect on your strengths, skills, experiences, and passion in nursing.
  • Determine what makes you unique as a nurse.
  • What attributes do you want to be known for? (empathy, communication skills, clinical expertise, or leadership abilities)
  • ]What is your purpose?

2. Create a Professional Online Presence

  • Establish a strong presence on professional on LinkedIn!!
  • Optimize your profile with a professional photo, compelling headline, and detailed summary highlighting your expertise and achievements.
  • Engage with other healthcare professionals and join relevant groups to expand your network.

3. Develop a Consistent Brand Image:

  • Ensure consistency in how you present yourself both online and offline.
  • Dress to impress or at least have a stand-out style
  • Be yourself as much as possible so people will be able to recognize you in person when they meet you and remember YOU!

4. Showcase Your Expertise Through Content Creation

  • Demonstrate your expertise and thought leadership by creating content related to nursing topics.
  • Write articles/blog posts, record educational videos, or host webinars on topics that align with your expertise and interests.
  • Establish yourself as a trusted authority in your field.
  • Just Start! Do not worry about the equipment or lighting! Get out of your head!!

5. Seek Opportunities for Professional Development/Recognition

  • Invest in professional development by pursuing advanced certifications and attending conferences/ workshops.
  • Showcase your expertise, such as speaking engagements at conferences, guest lectures at nursing schools, or writing articles for publications.
  • Seeking recognition and advancement within the nursing profession, you can further enhance your brand and position yourself as a leader in the field.

Are you ready to shape your brand?

Navigating the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program: Top 10 Tips for Success

Navigating the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program: Top 10 Tips for Success

Embarking on a Doctor of Nursing Practice Program (DNP) is a significant stride towards advancing your career in healthcare. Amidst the increasing demand for advanced nursing professionals, selecting the right DNP program becomes crucial. The DNP program has many options: online, hybrid, and in-person.navigating-the-doctor-of-nursing-practice-program-top-10-tips-for-success

However, before diving into the intricacies of program selection and study strategies, ask yourself this most important question: Why pursue a DNP degree?

Clarity on your motivation, the purpose of obtaining your doctorate, and your post-graduation plans sets the foundation for a successful journey. There are various potential roles for the DNP graduate, which include roles in nursing education, administration, health policy, nurse practitioner, or informatics. The DNP program prepares nurses to generate new knowledge through innovation of practice change and translating evidence to practice.

This article explores the top 10 tips for prospective DNP students, covering various aspects such as program selection, study strategies, the importance of a study partner, curriculum evaluation, cost considerations, and understanding program outcomes and final expectations.

Top 10 Tips for Success in a DNP Program

1. Research and Select the Right Program: Choosing the right DNP program is crucial. Consider factors such as accreditation, faculty expertise, and the programs alignment with your career goals. Thorough research ensures a program that meets your expectations and provides a solid foundation for your future in nursing. Speak to other nurses in the current DNP program to get a sense. Selecting a program that meets your personal needs and that is flexible is imperative for your success.

2. Understand the Curriculum: 
Please read every detail in the curriculum before committing to a DNP program. Assess if the coursework aligns with your professional interests and career goals. A well-rounded curriculum ensures a comprehensive education and equips you with the skills needed in todays complex healthcare environment. To be fully transparent, I purposely selected a doctoral program that did not have statistics because I did not want to retake it! However, the program did have a tremendously helpful economics course.

3. Evaluate Program Costs: 
Financial considerations are critical. Evaluate the overall cost of the DNP program, including tuition, fees, and any additional expenses. Look for potential scholarships, grants, or employer assistance programs to alleviate the financial burden. Most institutions have a payment plan that you can set up if needed. I did a lot of research before selecting my university. It was vital for me to have a physical university with an excellent reputation and history. I strongly recommend being strategic and not just paying extra money to have a prestigious school name on your resume.

4. Create a Realistic Study Plan: Balancing a DNP program with work and family commitments requires careful planning. Develop a realistic study plan considering your workload, responsibilities, and preferred learning pace. Creating a realistic plan can prevent burnout and reduce anxiety. I did most of my schoolwork at night because everyone was sleeping. Plus, I know that I function better at night.

5. Consider a Study Partner/Colleague support: A colleague or study partner can enhance your DNP experience. Collaborative learning fosters a supportive environment, provides different perspectives, and facilitates sharing resources and study materials. I had two close friends in the program, and having that continued support was instrumental to my success. We held each other accountable and called daily to check on each other to ensure we were ok or remind each other to submit assignments on time.

6. Utilize Online Resources: Use online resources and platforms to supplement your learning. Many DNP programs offer virtual libraries, discussion forums, and additional study materials. Embracing technology can enhance your understanding of the coursework and make your life easier. Please use all the resources you have available to you. Please learn how to do a proper library search for articles because it will save you hours of work. The librarian can be your best friend throughout the program.

7. Prioritize Self-Care: 
Balancing work, family, and a complex academic program requires self-care. Prioritize physical and mental well-being to sustain energy levels and focus throughout the DNP journey. This is harder said than done. I strongly recommend scheduling self-care time and activities. The DNP program is a rigorous program with high demands. Real talk: I cried several times and wanted to quit. However, I kept thinking of my kids, and my motivation kicked into gear.

8. Effective Time Management: 
Mastering time management is crucial for DNP success. Create a schedule that allocates dedicated time for coursework, work obligations, and personal commitments. Efficient time management ensures a well-rounded and fulfilling experience. It sounds silly, but please read the entire syllabus before your course begins.

9. Stay Proactive and Communicate with Professors: 
Maintain an open line of communication with your professors. Staying proactive ensures that you receive timely guidance, support, and feedback. I procrastinated during my DNP program, so I would not recommend it. Establishing a solid rapport with your professors can positively impact your academic journey. I sometimes found asking for sample examples for specific assignments helpful in understanding the expectations better.

10. Understand Program Outcomes and Final Expectations: Be clear about the DNP programs ultimate expectations and ask many questions. Understand whether you must implement a study or present a project proposal. I had to submit my study to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for approval. From personal experience, I strongly recommend creating a toolkit. I created a Stress Reduction Toolkit for Nurses. I often joked about using those same stress reduction strategies during the DNP program. Knowing the program outcomes ensures you are prepared for your academic journey and can confidently meet the final expectations.

I strongly recommend not comparing your DNP journey to anyone else. Please give yourself grace and be patient. I failed a DNP course, my DNP proposal course, and I was distraught. It was a long, complicated story that ended in a denied appeal from the Dean. I was distraught when it was happening; however, I realized that perhaps God had a different path for me. We know that not all paths are linear, and neither was mine. It taught me to be more patient and more precise.

I recently completed my DNP program in organizational leadership. My goal is to combine my experience in emergency medicine, education, and leadership into an exciting role where I can apply all my knowledge and skills. I am passionate about education, career development, and growth for all nurses, particularly novice nurses.

I am dedicated to improving workplace culture and wellness due to my previous experiences with toxic workplaces, discrimination, and bullying. My mission is to empower all nurses globally to pursue their personal, professional, and business goals. I started my DNP journey three years ago, and it has been a roller coaster ride. My experience of juggling a full-time job, a young family, and a business highlights that completing a DNP program is feasible and immensely rewarding with determination and a strategic approach.

Enrolling in a Doctorate Nurse Program can be overwhelming, but success is achievable with careful consideration and strategic planning. Integrating these top 10 tips into your DNP journey allows you to navigate the challenges and reap the rewards of advanced nursing education.

Remember, there is never a right” time to start; its about finding the time that works for you and committing to the journey.

Good luck! 

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Can Kindness Improve Stress Management? 

Can Kindness Improve Stress Management? 

There has been a greater focus on creating healthy work environments in recent years, and nurses deserve kindness, too. Regardless of your nursing position, remember that kindness is still in style.can-kindness-improve-stress-management

If you are a nursing student, new graduate nurse, educator, or chief nursing officer, remember that the foundation of nursing is rooted in caring. I don’t know what has happened to nursing over time, but we must return to caring basics as a nursing profession. Emotional intelligence and empathy can go a long way in nursing.

Research shows that kindness and helping others can decrease stress and benefit our mental health. Demonstrating kindness has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, increase self-esteem, compassion, and empathy and improve your mood.

Being kind to ourselves and caring for ourselves as nurses should be a priority.

Here are some self-care activities you can implement to be kind to yourself and others.


Sleep is truly underrated. It is crucial to get your rest and relaxation.

Healthy Eating

It’s not easy sometimes, but try to look for healthy eating options as much as possible. I know nurses love all things caffeine. However, reducing caffeine can be helpful.


Massage can be highly relaxing and stress-reducing. Some nursing positions can be physically demanding, so try a nice massage. Some insurance will cover this as well.


Even if you are not a big workout type, you can at least go for regular walks. Walking outside and being in nature is also relaxing.


Research shows that listening to 30 minutes of music a week can reduce stress and have physiological benefits such as reduced blood pressure.


Aromatherapy has also been proven to reduce stress. Even having different lotions, such as lavender, can instantly reduce stress.

Deep Breathing/Stretching 

These are easy to do and can only take a few minutes but have powerful positive effects.

Healthcare providers must prioritize putting their health first. Remember to take time off regularly. No job is worth your mental or physical health. It is time we start normalizing taking time off regularly in the healthcare industry. If you are in leadership, please encourage the staff to take time off. When the team feels happy and relaxed, they can be more productive.

Be kind to yourself so that you can have more kindness for others.

Feeling Stuck? 5 Reasons Why and How to Get Out of the Rut 

Feeling Stuck? 5 Reasons Why and How to Get Out of the Rut 

Many nurses feel stuck and need help figuring out why. Alright, no worries. I can reassure you that you are not the only nurse feeling this way. Here are some reasons you may feel stuck and how to get out of that rut.

Lack of Career Advancement and Growth

You may not be experiencing growth in your current position. Or you are not getting the opportunities you want due to different circumstances.

The Fix: Keep learning and growing from a personal and professional standpoint. Seek opportunities to learn, go to conferences, return to school, or get certified in your specialty area.

The bottom line:

  1. Continue to increase your skills and knowledge.
  2. Articulate your desire to be promoted and advance in your career.
  3. Make sure you keep all your receipts and be ready to present why you deserve to be promoted.

Sitting in the corner and working hard will not automatically get you promoted. Instead, make yourself visible and highlight your accomplishments. Network with other nurses and other industries. Network in person and on social media and search for different opportunities. If all fails, then you can take your talents somewhere else.

Burnout and Exhaustion

You may not even realize that you are experiencing the negative impact of burnout.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Always feeling tired
  • Dread work
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Loss of sleep or trouble sleeping
  • Feel overworked
  • Feel unappreciated or work has no meaning
  • Emotional and physical exhaustion
  • Feeling apathetic about helping others

The Fix:

  1. Learn to say no in your personal and professional life.
  2. Ask for help and support from colleagues.
  3. Prioritize self-care activities such as sleep, exercise, rest, and eating healthy. If you take a break and return, still not feeling well, it may be time to find another position.
  4. Seek medical attention for an assessment and speak to a licensed professional regarding mental health concerns.

Limited Scope of Practice and Not Feeling Challenged 

The Fix: Nurses can feel stuck due to the limitations of their current practice. Recommend taking on a different assignment or project.

Precepting or mentoring can be a great way to reignite your passion and keep you on your toes. Seek out work that is fulfilling and aligned with your purpose and values. Consider going back to school to pursue advanced practice roles such as a nurse practitioner. You may be bored of the same thing day in and day out. Starting your own side business, such as writing, tutoring, or speaking, could add something new and exciting to your career.

Feeling Unappreciated

You may not realize it, but perhaps you feel underpaid, undervalued, and unappreciated.

The Fix:

  1. Join or start a recognition and appreciation committee within your organization.
  2. Ask for feedback from colleagues, patients, families, and the leadership team.
  3. Engage in nursing organizations that promote recognition and support for nurses.

Lack Clarity

You may not know exactly what you want, and that’s ok. However, this uncertainty may lead to you feeling stuck.

The Fix: Take the time to reflect and see what you want to do. Try to be strategic by looking at your end goal and working backward to how you will get there. Create career goals and a list of what is most important in your life this season. Determine what type of life you want to have and create your career around that lifestyle. Define what success means to you. Seek guidance from mentors and career coaches to gain clarity and develop a career advancement and success roadmap. Career coaches like me can help you get crystal clear about your priorities and your next moves.


  • Compare yourself to only yourself
  • Do what you want, and do you
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Invest in yourself
  • Ask for help

Stop overthinking, make a decision, and take action. Part of feeling stuck is all in our heads, and this indecisiveness can lead to anxiety and, obviously, inaction. Nursing is the greatest profession in the world, with so many opportunities. Be comfortable knowing you can always redirect yourself to another path in whatever direction you take. So go ahead and take action. Get unstuck.

Nurses, Go Ahead and Ask for More! 

Nurses, Go Ahead and Ask for More! 

Yes, I said it. It’s time that nurses put nurses first!

This is our week, our month, shoot, it’s even our year. Come on. Let’s go. Ask for what you want both in your professional life and personal life. The world knows that we deserve more, and we deserve the best. We work hard, so we need to take care of ourselves. We give, give, and give and it is time to receive. However, we must be open to receiving and accepting greatness and gratitude. Don’t block your blessings.

But wait to receive more. We must practice gratitude.

According to Eckhart Tolle, “Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.” One easy way to practice gratitude is to keep a gratitude journal and write everything that you are grateful daily.

Do not be afraid to ask for more. You are worthy of more, and you deserve more.

You do not need validation from anyone. You are a highly skilled professional and an expert in your field. So go ahead, ask for that vacation! Ask for that raise you have been thinking about asking but have been too afraid. Negotiating that offer, yes, please negotiate. Go ahead and take a day to do whatever your heart desires. Whether it’s going to the spa or salon. Hair done, nails done, everything done. Go ahead and relax! Enjoy.

Back to gratitude and receiving. I will leave you with some positive affirmations. And yes, there are a lot of money affirmations because we need to normalize talking about money and getting paid. Nurses need to eat, too. Happy Nurses Week!

  1. I am open and ready to receive abundance in my life.
  2. I am worthy of having more wealth.
  3. Money comes to me easily and harmoniously.
  4. My life is full of prosperity and abundance.
  5. Money is rooted in good and leads to peace.
  6. I am full of confidence, and everyone around me can feel that.
  7. Happiness is a choice, and today I choose to be happy.
  8. All I need is within me right now.
  9. I am grateful for everything I have in my life.
  10. I am an unstoppable force of nature.