Can Kindness Improve Stress Management? 

Can Kindness Improve Stress Management? 

There has been a greater focus on creating healthy work environments in recent years, and nurses deserve kindness, too. Regardless of your nursing position, remember that kindness is still in style.can-kindness-improve-stress-management

If you are a nursing student, new graduate nurse, educator, or chief nursing officer, remember that the foundation of nursing is rooted in caring. I don’t know what has happened to nursing over time, but we must return to caring basics as a nursing profession. Emotional intelligence and empathy can go a long way in nursing.

Research shows that kindness and helping others can decrease stress and benefit our mental health. Demonstrating kindness has been shown to reduce cortisol levels, increase self-esteem, compassion, and empathy and improve your mood.

Being kind to ourselves and caring for ourselves as nurses should be a priority.

Here are some self-care activities you can implement to be kind to yourself and others.


Sleep is truly underrated. It is crucial to get your rest and relaxation.

Healthy Eating

It’s not easy sometimes, but try to look for healthy eating options as much as possible. I know nurses love all things caffeine. However, reducing caffeine can be helpful.


Massage can be highly relaxing and stress-reducing. Some nursing positions can be physically demanding, so try a nice massage. Some insurance will cover this as well.


Even if you are not a big workout type, you can at least go for regular walks. Walking outside and being in nature is also relaxing.


Research shows that listening to 30 minutes of music a week can reduce stress and have physiological benefits such as reduced blood pressure.


Aromatherapy has also been proven to reduce stress. Even having different lotions, such as lavender, can instantly reduce stress.

Deep Breathing/Stretching 

These are easy to do and can only take a few minutes but have powerful positive effects.

Healthcare providers must prioritize putting their health first. Remember to take time off regularly. No job is worth your mental or physical health. It is time we start normalizing taking time off regularly in the healthcare industry. If you are in leadership, please encourage the staff to take time off. When the team feels happy and relaxed, they can be more productive.

Be kind to yourself so that you can have more kindness for others.

Managing Job Related Stress

Managing Job Related Stress

If you find yourself dreading going to work, ask yourself: How well am I managing my stress?

Chances are, caregiver, that you could use more time thinking about how to take better care of yourself. Your job-related stress can affect your patients, colleagues and loved ones, so getting it under control should be a high priority. The first step is to admit to being stressed. Then you can  figure out ways to manage it.

There are many symptoms of stress, which include indecision, susceptibility to accidents, depression and anxiety. Your body will let you know that something is out of balance.

There are many ways to reduce stress, and some include measures your employer can take. Here are some actions you can take:

■ Identify what you can and cannot control. Invest time and energy into what you can manage, such as your attitude, emotions and behavior.

■ Assess your coping strategies. Do you have the skills to manage the main sources of your stress? If not, identify new coping strategies to learn.

■ Create a plan to manage your stressful periods. Identify your most stressful situations, when they are likely to occur, and how you will address them using your coping strategies.

■ Avoid trying to read minds and jumping to conclusions. You may think you know what someone is thinking or why someone is behaving a certain way, but a simple conversation may make all the difference.

■ Seek career counseling. Talking to a professional about your goals and current job can provide insights as well as an objective look at your situation. You may also get support for changes you want to make.

■ Maintain a work and life balance. Make time to connect with loved ones and activities that help you to unwind.

■ Visit your doctor. Sometimes medical interventions are needed to help you reduce and manage stress.

■ Talk about your feelings with family, friends and others in your support network.

Nursing is a rewarding and challenging profession. Do your part to make the stresses less challenging and more manageable.

Robin Farmer is a freelance journalist with a focus on health, business and education. Visit her at

