7 Strategies to Gain Success as a Nurse

7 Strategies to Gain Success as a Nurse

Gaining success as a nurse and landing that dream nursing position is within your reach using these seven strategies from International Nurse Coach Farah Laurent, MSN, RN, NEA-BC, CPXP, NPD-BC, TCRN, CPEN, CEN.

1. Believe in Yourself & Promote Yourself

If you don’t believe in yourself, it’s hard for others to believe in you. So let’s go!

Stop those negative self-limiting beliefs. Instead, read positive affirmations daily to help you remain positive and focused. You have the knowledge, skills, and attitude to achieve anything. So, go ahead goal getter. If you believe it, then it will come, and it will manifest!

You may be shy to promote yourself, but it’s a MUST!! Whether during an interview or if you want that promotion, you better bring it. Bring that confidence. I call it “Brag & Swag.”

Follow the 3 Ps of Interviewing 


From your stylish wardrobe to your vibe, walk, and entrance!


Position yourself for to gain success as a nurse by researching and getting ready for the interview. In the physical sense, be aware of how you sit, from your posture, to where you sit at that table.


This is your chance to sell, sell, sell yourself, so be ready with your elevator pitch. You want the job. So, you better bring the energy and that fire!

2. Continuous Education & Growth Mindset

There is always room to grow and to improve! Nursing is a lifelong learning career.

You must keep learning, reading, and growing, whether a new nurse on the block or a veteran rock star. Seek out opportunities for growth and development. Conferences are a great way to learn, network, and learn about the latest and greatest in healthcare.

3. Positive Attitude & Gratitude

People love being around positivity, so keep it positive. Have a “can do” attitude and take the initiative.

I love to say that everything is “figureoutable.” Lead with gratitude and be thankful. Saying thank you to someone and letting them know you appreciate them truly goes a long way. Be open to opportunities because opportunities in nursing are endless. Be ready and open to receiving abundance.

4. Know Your Worth & Advocate

Know your value and worth. Do your research about the salary/wages, and be ready to articulate your value. Learn different tactics for negotiating wages/salary/perks.

Does the company have opportunities for growth and promotion? Learn how to advocate for yourself, your colleagues, and your clients.

5. Set Core Values & Goals

Do you know what your core values are? What is non-negotiable? These are key factors to gain success as a nurse.

Research the company or organization and see if your values align. Set your goals and have short-term and long-term goals. Write down your goals yearly, monthly, and weekly. Then, track your progress and keep it moving.

6. Be Kind & Practice Emotional Intelligence

Be kind. Nursing and healthcare can be stressful at times. However, you must learn how to adapt and respond. You cannot change people, but you can control how you react. Do not let others take away your joy! You are in control! You have options and choices! Exercise your Emotional Intelligence!!

7. Surround Yourself with Positive, Successful People

Lastly, positivity is contagious so surround yourself with a positive group. Seek to have multiple mentors and coaches and invest in yourself and your growth.

Remember, only stick around people who will help encourage, empower, motivate and elevate you.

The world is yours. Brag and Swag!

Boost Your Creativity, Revive Your Career

Boost Your Creativity, Revive Your Career

Are you creative? Would you like to be more creative?

Do you know nurturing your creativity is not only good for your emotional outlook, but it is also a good career move?

Far from being a perk of artists and musicians, free-flowing creativity is essential to your well-being and carries over into your career. Actively seeking out ways to boost your creativity can actually help your career by giving you a new perspective on everything from interpersonal communication to caring for patients.

Being creative means you are always looking at something with a fresh perspective. Creative people seek out several solutions to a single problem and that approach helps them accept new ideas.

A nurse who is creative is open to new approaches. So if your patient won’t commit to exercising three times a week, maybe you can figure out a plan that includes mall walking or gardening. Creativity helps you work with, not against, a patient’s cultural traditions and expectations to find solutions that are not only pleasing to everyone, but also will be followed.

How can you boost your creativity?

1. Be Curious

Start ramping up your creativity by becoming more curious about things around you. Do you drive by the same street and wonder what’s at the other end? Do you ever check it out yourself? Drive down the road and see what you find. Have you always wanted to know more about the fall of Rome? Start reading up on the subject. Becoming more creative starts with honoring your natural curiosity and following up on it by putting in a little effort.

2. Try Something New

Being in a rut is a sure-fire creativity buster. Dare to change it up! When you try something new, your brain has to work harder and you’re likely to learn. But you shouldn’t just try to squish a new experience into your normal breakneck schedule. Don’t try a new activity or take a new route when you’re in a rush. Give yourself time to enjoy something new so you reap the benefits.

3.  Get Engrossed

Of course, you work with your hands every day, but maybe doing something different with your hands, like making jewelry, working on puzzles, woodworking, cooking, or gardening, could bring you to a new state of relaxation. What about singing, public speaking, or even raising chickens? Finding something so engrossing that you lose track of time is a great way to let your mind roam freely. When your mind has the time and freedom to loosen up, some of the best (and most creative) thoughts can come.

4. Spend Time with People Unlike You

Do you visit the same restaurants, eat lunch with the same friends, and visit the same stores? All of those activities build a feeling of community and nurture your sense of belonging. But to get out of your comfort zone – traveling to a funky art show in the city or visiting a farm in the country – can help stir new thoughts. You don’t have to ditch what’s familiar, but interacting with new people helps you grow and can inspire you.

What are some new ways you can boost your creativity?
