Are you a master’s- or doctorally-prepared RN or nurse practitioner with experience in addressing minority health disparities? Are you now interested in expanding your skills and capacity in this area? Then consider applying for the new Aetna/DSC HealthCare Disparities Fellowship, a unique working fellowship designed to train new leaders in the areas of cultural competence, community-oriented research and health disparities interventions.

Funded by the Aetna Foundation, the one-year fellowship is offered by the Disparities Solutions Center (DSC) at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, the first national hospital-based center devoted to the development and implementation of strategies to eliminate racial and ethnic disparities in health care. Fellows will receive customized, one-on-one instruction from a multidisciplinary staff of experts at the DSC. But the fellowship, which provides a $50,000 stipend, is also a hands-on working experience: Recipients will play a major role in one of the DSC’s ongoing projects as well as participate in various national, regional and local activities at the center.

The DSC will select one fellowship recipient per year. Candidates must be health care professionals at the post-doctoral (PhD) or graduate level (RN/MPH, NP, etc.), with a significant degree of practical experience in one or more areas such as disparities reduction projects, quality improvement, and community-based research, programming and evaluation.

The deadline for submitting applications is March 15, 2007. The recipient of the 2007-08 fellowship, which will begin July 1, will be notified by April 15. For more information about the Aetna/DSC HealthCare Disparities Fellowship, contact project coordinator Aswita Tan-McGrory, MSPH, (617) 643-2916, [email protected], or visit

See also
Nurses in Hospital Planning, Working with Administration
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